halting problem :: Dream Road

:: ~1 min read

Right at the moment I’m writing this blog post, the Endless Kickstarter campaign page looks like this:

With 26 days to spare

I’m incredibly humbled and proud. Thank you all so much for your support and your help in bringing Endless to the world.

The campaign goes on, though; we added various new perks, including:

  • the option to donate an Endless computer to Habitat for Humanity or Funsepa, two charities that are involved in housing and education projects in developing countries
  • the full package — computer, carabiner, mug, and t-shirt; this one ships everywhere in the world, while we’re still working out the kinks of international delivery of the merch

Again, thank you all for your support.

endless work announcements

Older posts

  1. , An anniversary and an announcement
  2. , in which I explain that I have a new job

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