halting problem :: Constraints (reprise)

:: ~5 min read

After the first article on Emeus various people expressed interest in the internals of the library, so I decided to talk a bit about what makes it work.

Generally, you can think about constraints as linear equations:

view1.attr1 = view2.attr2 × multiplier + constant

You take the the value of attr2 on the widget view2, multiply it by a multiplier, add a constant, and apply the value to the attribute attr1 on the widget view1. You don’t need view2.attr2 either, for instance:

view1.attr1 = constant

is a perfectly valid constraint.

You also don’t need to use an equality; these two constraints:

view1.width ≥ 180
view1.width ≤ 250

specify that the width of view1 must be in the [ 180, 250 ] range, extremes included.


A layout, then, is just a pile of linear equations that describe the relations between each element. So, if we have a simple grid:

| super                                      |
|  +----------------+   +-----------------+  |
|  |     child1     |   |     child2      |  |
|  |                |   |                 |  |
|  +----------------+   +-----------------+  |
|                                            |
|  +--------------------------------------+  |
|  |               child3                 |  |
|  |                                      |  |
|  +--------------------------------------+  |
|                                            |

We can describe each edge’s position and size using constraints. It’s important to note that there’s an implicit “reading” order that makes it easier to write constraints; in this case, we start from left to right, and from top to bottom. Generally speaking, it’s possible to describe constraints in any order, but the Cassowary solving algorithm is geared towards the “reading” order above.

Each layout has some implicit constraint already available. For instance, the “trailing” edge is equal to the leading edge plus the width; the bottom edge is equal to the top edge plus the height; the center point is equal to the width or height, divided by two, plus the leading or bottom edges. These constraints help solving the layout, as well as provide additional values to other constraints.

So, let’s start.

From the first row:

  • the leading edge of the super container is the same as the leading edge of child1, minus a padding
  • the trailing edge of child1 is the same as the leading edge of child2, minus a padding
  • the trailing edge of child2 is the same as the trailing edge of the super container, minus a padding
  • the width of child1 is the same as the width of child2

From the second row:

  • the leading edge of the super container is the same as the leading edge of child3, minus a padding
  • the trailing edge of child2 is the same as the trailing edge of the super container, minus a padding

From the first column:

  • the top edge of the super container is the same as the top edge of child1, minus a padding
  • the bottom edge of child1 is the same as the top edge of child3, minus a padding
  • the bottom edge of the super container is the same as the bottom edge of child3, minus a padding
  • the height of child3 is the same as the height of child1

From the second column:

  • the top edge of the super container is the same as the top edge of the child2, minus a padding
  • the bottom edge of child1 is the same as the top edge of child3, minus a padding
  • the bottom edge of the super container is the same as the bottom edge of child3, minus a padding
  • the height of child3 is the same as the height of child2

As you can see, there are some redundancies; these are necessary to ensure that the layout is fully resolved, though obviously there are some properties of the elements of the layout that implicitly eliminate some results. For instance, if child3s height is the same as child1, and child1 lies on the same row as child2 and it’s an axis-aligned rectangle, the it immediately follows that child3 must have the same height of child2 as well. It’s important to note that, from a solver perspective, there only are values, not boxes, and you could use the solver with any kind of geometric shape; only the constraints give us the information on what those shapes should be. It’s also easier to start from a fully constrained layout and then remove constraints, than to start from a loosely constrained layout and add constraints until it’s stable.


From the text description we can now get into a system of equations:

  • super.start = child1.start - padding
  • child1.end = child2.start - padding
  • super.end = child2.end - padding
  • child1.width = child2.width
  • super.start = child3.start - padding
  • super.end = child3.end - padding
  • super.top = child1.top - padding
  • child1.bottom = child3.top - padding
  • super.bottom = child3.bottom - padding
  • child3.height = child1.height
  • super.top = child2.top - padding
  • child2.bottom = child3.top - padding
  • child3.height = child2.height

Apple, in its infinite wisdom and foresight, decided that this form is still too verbose. After looking at the Perl format page for far too long, Apple engineers came up with the Visual Format Language, or VFL for short.

Using VFL, the constraints above become:


Emeus, incidentally, ships with a simple utility that can take a set of VFL format strings and generate GtkBuilder descriptions that you can embed into your templates.


We’ve used a fair amount of constraints, or four lines of faily cryptic ASCII art, to basically describe a non-generic GtkGrid with two equally sized horizontal cells on the first row, and a single cell with a column span of two; compared to the common layout managers inside GTK+, this does not seem like a great trade off.

Except that we can describe any other layout without necessarily having to pack widgets inside boxes, with margins and spacing and alignment rules; we also don’t have to change the hierarchy of the boxes if we want to change the layout. For instance, let’s say that we want child3 to have a different horizontal padding, and a minimum and maximum width; we just need to change the constraints involved in that row:


Additionally, we now want to decouple child1 and child3 heights, and make child1 a fixed height item:


And make the height of child3 move within a range of values:


For all these cases we’d have to add intermediate boxes in between our children and the parent container — with all the issues of theming and updating things like GtkBuilder XML descriptions that come with that.


The truth is, though, that describing layouts in terms of constraints is another case of software engineering your way out of talking with designers; it’s great to start talking about incremental simplex solvers, and systems of linear equations, and ASCII art to describe your layouts, but it doesn’t make UI designers really happy. They can deal with it, and having a declarative language to describe constraints is more helpful than parachuting them into an IDE with a Swiss army knife and a can of beans, but I wouldn’t recommend it as a solid approach to developer experience.

Havoc wrote a great article on how layout management API doesn’t necessarily have to suck:

  • we can come up with a better, descriptive API that does not make engineers and designers cringe in different ways
  • we should have support from our tools, in order to manipulate constraints and UI elements
  • we should be able to combine boxes (which are easy to style) and constraints (which are easy to lay out) together in a natural and flexible way

Improving layout management should be a goal in the development of GTK+ 4.0, so feel free to jump in and help out.

development layout gtk constraints solvers

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  1. , Experiments with constraint-based layout systems for GTK+

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