halting problem :: page 2

Older posts

  1. , In which I talk about a new tool to generate the API reference for GTK
  2. , In which we talk about derivable types that are not GObject
  3. , In which I announce a new release of Graphene
  4. , In which I announce that Graphene moved to a new testing API
  5. , In which I talk about test reports with GitLab CI
  6. , In which I present a small testing framework for C code
  7. , In which I explain how to implement reference counting with new GLib ≥ 2.58
  8. , In which I explain how to use paths and pkg-config variables
  9. , In which I make a public service announcement about the small utilities provided by GLib
  10. , in which more components gets ported to Meson

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