halting problem :: page 2

Older posts

  1. , public service announcement — I just revoked my trusty GPG key, which I also used to sign Clutter releases: pub 1024D/A4320FF4 2000-09-18 Key fingerprint = 4DD0 C90D 4070 F071 5738 08BD 8ECC DB8F A432 0FF4 uid Emmanuele Bassi the size of the key was ultimately too small to be trusted indefinitely …
  2. , today is my last day here, at Intel. it’s been an honour and a privilege working with one of the best teams in one of the best companies in the world. as I leave behind people that humbled me and made me a better engineer, I cannot but feel …
  3. , today is the deadline for submitting candidacies for the election of the GNOME Board of Directors. I decided to run again this year: it took me a bit to get into the role, but I think I can work with the fellow Board members, as well with the rest of …
  4. , I’ve received a bunch of questions about the state of the perl-Clutter bindings in the past couple of years; I entertained a vain hope of returning to actively maintaining them, but the effort of actually maintaining the underlying C library left little to no time for bindings (just ask …
  5. , after all the changes in this series of blogs, and all the big changes I tried to introduce in them, this is mostly a coda — one in which I just want to mention a couple of new features that don’t fall in the previous apocalypses but that I think …
  6. , Clutter’s description, and I quote from the website, is: an open source software library for creating fast, compelling, portable, and dynamic graphical user interfaces. and yet, the API to build a user interface is static: you create the actor tree, you tell it how to paint its contents, and …
  7. , the actor tree is only the representation of what your user interface is composed of: textures, reactive items, containers to give them structure. if nothing is painted, though, it’s not much of a user interface. with the current stable version of Clutter, if you want to get something on …
  8. , as I wrote already in a previous blog post, if you try and compile an existing Clutter application with the current master, the first thing you will notice is that the compiler will start complaining about deprecated symbols. a lot. some of these symbols are little used API variants, or …
  9. , I have written a bunch of blog posts about the Clutter Apocalypses that have landed in Git, as well as how I see the Clutter API evolving after this cycle and towards the 2.0 API break; they should appear in the next few hours, staggered a bit to avoid …
  10. , Third day of the GTK hackfest. They have taken the bridge and the second hall. We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes, drums… drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A shadow lurks in the dark. We can not get out… they …

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